Astypaleae BackpackAstypaleae backpack

Rare &  Unusual Bags Accessories Objects

from sea fortune sails or precious fabrics of nettles and lotus

The bags are made of  “sea fortune” sails in dacron scrambled by the salty storms of furious winds, sometimes just touched by light breezes, whitened by morning mists, who knows ? In the spirit of Slowdesign, since 1995, we recycle genoa sails, mainsails, trinchettes, tormentines, “grand hunier volant”, colored spinnakers: Creatures that emerged from chemistry mutated into relations de voyages.



The world of the “Outdoor”

The sails are collected according to the latitude of our base dismount: ports of Brittany, Cornwall, Belgium, Holland, the Caribbean islands, now on the shores of the Mediterranean sea. And there, they are transformed, escaping the landfill fire.

The bags therefore belong calmly to the vast Monde du Dehors, where the course of Sun passes, the stratus and cumulus, the Noroît and the Libeccio, the Pleiad and Antares the red star, the migratory birds, the smells of the soil after the rain.

Ile de Ouessant , Brittany




New accomplices



New fabrics, nettle, lotus....

Sown in a field, the plants of flax, hemp, bamboo, nettle, soak and lotus up the sun and rain before bending under the looms. Then the new fabrics are ready for cutting new and curious about the richness and virtuous of the plant world, of course biodegradable, forms of contemporary inspiration.


Released from the atelier, these are our new accomplices from vegetal origin and  for winter  “mulesing free” wool. Very concrete, light and friendly, careful not to pollute their and our passage. Created to share the curiosity towards new dizzying materials and their adoption in everyday life.


Accomplices or outstretched hands, such as the new Plaids of lotus, nettle (innovative fibers) or museling free wool, the wicker & nettle basket, the hemp Wallaby pillow worked by passionate weavers in Italy, padded (not of synthetic substances) but with millet chaff to relax the neck, stomach or hands. And to play: Nomadic Backgammon.

Unusual basket of the dunes, combining the interwoven, biodegradable Poseidonia oceanica grass with recycled delicate sails.


Resistant and washable, vegan and natural, the Clutches made of cellulose pulp: an innovative, biodegradable material, which substitute the leather: to collect notes, drawings, mini iPad.


These new objects have opened skylights for us towards new materials, knowledge, stories, experiences and people. It is our pleasure to share them with you, in the shade of a dull screen.