8 june: “world ocean day” with Project Aware Foundation
Look at this video which helps us everyday to do the right gesture.
From 1995, Vincenzo and I recycle synthetic used sails and with the slow-design spirit metamorphose them into bags or nomadic objects.
So, these little white “volumes” signed by the winds and sun get into our everyday life ; so, using this poetic recycled obsolete material is still pleasant and utile.
Beyond our daily activity this year, Relations de voyages will participate, with Project Aware a non profit divers organization involved in protection of oceans against pollution, protection of endangered species like manta rays and sharks, to speed up concrete actions.
We ‘ll participate to the charity auction of Project Aware in october,
with the donation of a” Lecythe” from the “Amphorae” line and an “Ultralight” bag (with the manta serigraphied).
– Do you want to Participate ?